Tough Love

Last Night (Tuesday) Finn learned the concept of tough love. Finn decided that he only wanted graham crackers for dinner. Michael informed me that he had tried to give Finn real food but Finn refused and only wanted crackers. Well, I put my foot down and refused to give Finn a cracker. No joke, he screamed at me for at least 10 minutes. He would go to the pantry, look at the closed door and scream, look back at me and scream and then he would plop himself on the floor and scream. He looked so angry at me. I didn't give in. I just went about my business, paying no attention to Finn. It doesn't bother me for Finn to throw a fit, well that is if we are at home. The only way that I could get Finn's mind off of the crackers was to give him a bath.

After his bath he happy sat down and ate some oatmeal. Mission accomplished.

Tonight (Wednesday) Finn played with us in the back yard. All he wanted to do was run toward the road. He also thought it would be fun to sneak into our neighbor's garage. He also played with the Frisbee.

For dinner Finn had spaghetti and he ate his spaghetti with a fork. I thought it was about time that Finn learned to use utensils. He did a great gob of getting the spaghetti onto the fork, but couldn't really maneuver the fork into his mouth. Instead, he pick the spaghetti off of the fork with this other hand and eat it that way.

Finn helping Dad fix the computer

Finn reading "Brown Bear, Brown Bear." I bet I read this book 5 times tonight.
Finn noticing that the camera is on him.

While brushing Finn's teeth I noticed that one of his right and left upper molars have cut through.


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