Trick -r- Treat
I would venture to guess that about 60% of the my blog concerns all the mischief Finn makes or the fits he throws. I am afraid that if Finn ever reads the blog he will think that I never talked about anything good he does. So, before blogging about the day I am going to take a moment to give Finn props for his sleeping habits. Finn is great night time sleeper (at least when he is in his own bed). I put him in bed awake every night and he goes to sleep without crying. I know that lots of babies do this, but Finn wasn't one of them until just recently. While Finn is a great nighttime sleeper he is still a pretty lousy napper. However today Finn took a 2 and 1/2 hour nap and yesterday he took a 2 hour nap. What makes these naps impressive is the fact that he took them in his crib. Good job sweetie!
This morning Finn slept until 7:00 and then slept another hour in the bed with us. So I was able to sleep until 8:00!
After church Finn had a taste of his first donut; it was a crueller. His expression was so funny. He looked like he had just eaten something really sour. I think it was too sweet for him.

Today is Halloween and Finn went trick-r-treating for the first time. I have never been very excited about Halloween, but I had a good time. Kids make everything fun.
First Gran and Pa came over and gave Finn is Halloween present.

Finn got some Titans onsies, a few play outfits, a truck, some new tennis shoes, some animal crackers and "Goldfish" with an official goldfish carrier. I loved the goldfish box because it had Finn's name on it.

This year Finn dressed as a woodland hunter. Thanks to Uncle Charlie and Aunt Donna he looked great and very authentic. I added eye shadow to his checks to complete the look. After perfecting the female warpaint we headed out.
I have to admit that Finn was a great trick-r-treater. He would walk up to who ever had the candy bucket and hold out his pumpkin.

This is the first house stopped at.
I think Finn's favorite thing about trick-r-treating was just walking through the neighborhood. It was my favorite part too.

Here we are at Amy and Jerry's house.
This is a picture of Finn running toward the go-cart, a.k.a - "ma-moer" (lawn mower).
Finn with Austin Powers! Our neighborhood is a great place to trick-r-treat. The parents and homeowners really get into the spirit. Coop, you should come with us next year.
Every so often Finn would stop walking, put down his pumpkin and look inside to make sure his candy was still there. Once he was satisfied that his stash was safe he would start walking again.
This house was incredible. It was so spooky! Was a dead guy hanging from the porch; the second story windows had huge, scary eyes in them; there were cob webs everywhere; really eerie music, a real guy crouching in the corner; and this guy . . .
Finn was scared to death of this thing. I don't blame him a bit. Not only is it scary looking, it moves. Finn wouldn't go anywhere near it. He cried a little bit too!
After making a quick stop to Darren and Sharon's house we came home and Finn had a sucker before bed. He also got to give candy to the kids that came by a little later. He was very polite. He stood at the door as the kids picked out their candy and he told them all "bye" when they left.
This morning Finn slept until 7:00 and then slept another hour in the bed with us. So I was able to sleep until 8:00!
After church Finn had a taste of his first donut; it was a crueller. His expression was so funny. He looked like he had just eaten something really sour. I think it was too sweet for him.
First Gran and Pa came over and gave Finn is Halloween present.
This year Finn dressed as a woodland hunter. Thanks to Uncle Charlie and Aunt Donna he looked great and very authentic. I added eye shadow to his checks to complete the look. After perfecting the female warpaint we headed out.
I have to admit that Finn was a great trick-r-treater. He would walk up to who ever had the candy bucket and hold out his pumpkin.
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