Word World

Feeding Finn has become interesting. Every morning while I am fixing Finn oatmeal I give him Cheerios to keep him occupied. Once I start feeding him oatmeal he loses all interest in the Cheerios. However, in stead of wasting the uneaten Cheerios he feeds them to me. So while I am spooning oatmeal in his mouth, he is putting Cheerios in mine. It is really sweet. Today the Cheerios tasted like soap and I couldn't figure out why. Then I remembered that Finn had been playing with my shampoo bottle. So today Finn feed me "head-n-shoulder" favored Cheerios. They were terrible, but I pretended to love them anyway.

Another thing that Finn does every morning is help Michael up on his shoes. He will pick up Michael's shoes from the floor, bring them to him and attempt to put them on Michael's feet.

This morning Finn wore his new dinosaur hoodie that Monica got him for his birthday.

Today was supposed to be a day with the Finnster, but I ended up working most of the day. After picking him up from Victoria's house we went the grocery store. On the way I started talking to Finn. I would ask him to say "home" and he would say "home." I said every word I could think of that Finn knows and he would say each word right back to me. Later on in the evening I was able to get some of it on film.

Finn ended up eating dinner at Kroger. There were so many samples out. Finn had caramel cake, smoked chicken breast, papaya, cheese cubes and sausage. He loves going shopping with Mama because Mama lets him sample everything. And while we are on the subject of words, Finn can now say "no" but he doesn't know what it means. Every time he gets near the toilet I will say something like "no, no." Now anytime he is next to the toilet he will look at me and "no no" and smile from ear to ear. He is so proud of himself. Same thing with the curling iron - he will walk over to it and say "hot."

When we got home Finn discovered the washing machine. I guess he noticed it because it was actually on and oscillating. He would put both hands on the machine and looking at with awe and wonder (definitely not the face pictured).

Then he peeked in the laundry hamper.
After dinner Finn sat in my lap looked at his animal book. He was really wiggly so I decided to go ahead and put him to bed. As I was sitting and blogging I heard Finn talking to himself over the baby monitor; we (Michael and I) thought that was kind of weird.


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