Finn Throws a Fit

Temper, temper, temper. I am quickly learning that Finn has quite a little temper. Over the past few days Finn has learned to communicate his true feelings about my job performance as his mother/warden. I am less than impressed. If I don't let Finn do exactly what he wants to do every minute of the day he screams and squeals and acts completely awful. Your next question may be, "do you give in?" Answer, "Absolutely Not!"

As such my days have been full of unpleasant noise. Finn through several little mini fits at me today (mini in duration, not decibels). I just ignored him, let him fuss it out and never acknowledged the poor behavior. I am hoping that very soon he will learn that throwing a temper tantrum is not a solution to his numerous problems. Other than the loud boy with the mean face screaming at me, I have really enjoyed Finn's fits. I find them very entertaining; its all I can do keep a straight face.

Today Finn hung out with Gran while I went to Brentwood for a job thing. When I got back I found that Finn had a new Halloween outfit and new Elmo bowls. He also picked up a new word; "dan." Translation - Gran.

Finn eating apples out of his Elmo bowl.

This afternoon Finn got stuck in the cabinet. He panicked at first, but after a while he finally figured it out.

After Gran left Finn and I spent the day cleaning. Finn was super excited to see Dad when he got home. However, Finn, for some unknown reason has starting calling Michael "mama." I take is as a complement. Michael has had to remind Finn several times that he is dad.

After dinner Finn brought dad his book of numbers and they sat and read together.

This is a picture of Finn barking.

As for Finn's physical development, he has learned to get out of the bathtub. Great!

Finally, Finn has learned to give great hugs. When he first sees me (either in the morning or after having been at work all day) he throws both of this little arms and my neck and squeezes. It is so wonderful. Almost makes me forget about all the fits. . . almost.


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