
Today I met Mom and the boys at Cheekwood to play on the treehouse exhibit.  The boys loved it!  Finn had so much fun climbing and playing.  Oh wait . . . . no he didn't because Cheekwood was closed.  As it turns out Cheekwood is closed every Monday.  It was a bummer, but we most certainly turned lemons into lemonade.

It all started on Saturday; Mom picked the boys up after their naps and took them back to Manchester for the weekend.  Michael and I took full advantage of the free time and went to see Batman (which was so good) and then went to eat at Cheddars.   On Sunday we relaxed and watched the Bachelorette season finale.

On Monday Mom brought the boys to Nashville.  We made plans to meet at Cheekwood and then go to Opry Mills to eat at the Rain Forrest Cafe.   While Cheekwood was a bust, the Rain Forrest Cafe was a huge hit.  We were seated next to the elephants.  The elephants were impressive, but for a boy of almost three (3), the tigers were the best.  Every time the tigers would start moving, Finn would say, "they are roaring!"  He would immediately jump out of his seat and we would run over to see them. 

Even though Finn wanted to see the Tigers he wanted me to hold him when we got close.  He would run up to them and then throw those arms up for me to pick him up.  He is so much braver when I am holding him.  Goodness, its nice to be a mom.

Sam seemed to like the restaurant too.  When we first sat down he looked around and smiled a lot. 

After we ordered we took the boys all around the restaurant and looked at all the animals. Then we sat down to eat.  Finn shoveled in macaroni and cheese and though he hadn't eaten in a week.

After eating Nana and Finn picked out an alligator in the gift shop.  Finn likes the ugliest, meanest, hardest feeling toys.  He grabbed a snake, but I put my foot down. 

Next we went to the Disney Store.  Of course Finn loved it.  On our way in Finn asked if I would get him a green dinosaur.  Thinking that there would not be a green dinosaur in the Disney Store I said sure.  I really need to brush up on my Disney movies because Finn found a green dinosaur - Rex from "Toy Story."   I was able to distract him enough from Rex with Disney overload - there was a stuffed Bruce, Nemo and  Bolt.  I ended up buying Finn a nine piece "Nemo" figurine set.  It had a "Bruce" in the set so Finn was pretty happy.  I had so much fun with Finn at the Disney Store.  He would go from rack to rack saying "LOOK MOM!"

Next Finn rode the Merry-go-round with Nana.  The first time they rode the tea cups.  Finn laughed the entire time.  His little face was priceless.   The second time Finn rode the horse. This time his face was very serious as he tugged on the reigns. On the way out the operator asked Finn if he wanted a stamp for his hand.  After getting his hand stamped I said to Finn, "what do you say?"  He responded, by raising his other hand and asking for another stamp.  He made sure to say thank you after securing the second stamp.  Sam spent the day snuggled up next to me in the baby carrier.  He was so good and so sweet.  He did manage to wake up to see Finn on the Merry-go-round.

Next we went to the Aquarium restaurant so that Finn could see the fish.  Finn saw a sting ray, a scuba diver, and a real shark.  He was completely in awe and so was I.  I couldn't believe how many big, beautiful fish were in that massive tank.

On our way out we stopped at Dairy Queen.  By this time Sam was crying and ready to leave so we packed up and headed back to the house. 

On the way home I asked Finn what he liked the best.  His options were the fish, the Disney Store, the Rain Forrest and the Merry-go-round.  He said, "I liked the tigers very much."

When we got home Finn ran in the front door and said, "I like my beautiful house mom."  Sounds like Finn might just grow up to a homebody.  The rest of the night Finn spent playing with his alligator, the Gill figurine and the Bruce figurine.  He had a lot of fun. 

Even though the day didn't start as we had hoped, I think that it turned out perfect.  Finn had a great day and so did I.


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