Daddy Daycare

So I stayed home with the fellas on my "day off" today.  It was actually a fairly easy day.  Not so much the night before, as our power went out and about burned us out of our beds.  Finn of course came in our room scared of the thunder.  After the power came back on at midnight, I went to bed.  We pretty much immediately went to the store and Sonic when I got up because I wanted to get out and back before Sam got hungry.  The store was normal except for the basic theme of the day, which was people being way too nice to me I guess because of the Dad flying solo with the little ones sympathy.  Finn got his usual cookie/sucker circuit in before we left.

I think I fed Sam the oats with milk mixed in once we got home then put him in the swing.  He slept just long enough for me to get my workout in...thankfully Friday is short.  After he woke up we all hung out until lunch time.  We had talked about hitting McDonalds because of the "Ice Age" toys.  We all saddled up and headed that way only to find out the promotion had ended yesterday.  The lady at the counter then told me that they might have some in the back.  We got Finn's Happy meal and sat down.  The lady soon came by with a bag full of the entire Ice Age collection.  She said they donate most of them but had plenty left.  Obviously, this made it a good visit.  Sam was cool and chilled in his seat the whole time.  Once we got home, Finn took his nap and Sam and I hung out for the most part, though he also took a short nap toward the end.  We had a couple of bottles during the day too, but that was about it.  We played with Finn's new toys once he got up, and eventually Erin was already back home.  

As a quick word to my boys, since I'm sure you will read this someday and think your pops doesn't love you as much as your mom because I don't do the blogging.  I'm proud of both of you and am very thankful for the chance to grow up with you guys.  I look forward to sharing so many cool memories with you guys in the coming years. 

This pic is Finn creating his own "Great Valley" with all of the weeds I pulled near the patio.  Every time I pulled one he would either give me props "Good job dad" or thank me for tossing it on his pile. 

Sam doing his usual chill face.  I also learned that he has a ticklish spot under his chin near his ear if you get up under there with your face.


  1. Good job Michael!
    (I love the picture of Sam sucking his thumb!)


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