Sunday Night Blues

Well, we left the beach on Thursday around 7:00 in the morning.  Sam and I were up by 4:30.  Sam apparently had a bad case of gas and was pretty miserable. The boys generally did pretty good on the drive home.  Finn watched "The Land Before Time" at least three times (prompting him to ask for a "long neck") and Sam slept at least half of the trip home.  About ten minutes into our drive Finn said "Dad, are we almost home?"  Michael told him no.  Without missing a beat he said, "Mom, are we almost home?"  This same conversation happened at least a hundred times before we pulled into our driveway ten hours later.

Our first stop was breakfast at Hardee's in Troy.  Our second stop was at Chic-Fil-A in Fultondale.  Finn played in the play area with a little boy named Charlie.  Finn was a little nervous around him at first (go figure), but warmed up enough to him to let Charlie lead him to the top of the play area and into the airplane.  I know it sounds silly but I was so proud of Finn for playing with Charlie.  He had a lot of fun once he got over his nerves.  I think the reason he liked Charlie was because he was six years old.  Finn seems to like older kids.  Finn wouldn't have anything to do with Charlie's younger brother.

When we got back into the car Sam began to fuss.  Finn looked at him and said "what's wrong little buddy."  It was the sweetest, cutest thing.  Finn was so sincere and concerned about Sam.  His tone was precious.

It started to rain around the Tennessee line.  We got to Nashville right at rush hour, but despite the rain, we made it through fairly quickly.

When we got home Finn pulled out every toy in the house.  I suppose he missed them. 

Finn has been doing pretty good with going to the bathroom.  Even though we were in the car for most of the day Finn kept a dry pull-up and then informed me of his need to poop.  To reward Finn we finally gave him the garbage truck that we have been promising him for three months.  He was so excited when we gave it to him.  His face was so happy and excited that I almost cried.  Finn really loves that garbage truck - I think because he really had to work to earn it. 

After a long night of finding trash for Finn's garbage truck we put both boys to bed at 8:00 and crashed shortly thereafter. At around 6:00 I woke to see Finn lay face down, spread eagle on the floor next to our bed.  I don't know how long he laid there but I pretended not to see him and went back to sleep.  A little while later Finn crawled in bed with me and we snuggled and slept until 9:30.  This is completely unheard of in our house.  Both Finn and Sam slept in - it was wonderful; short lived, but wonderful.

When we got up I made Finn pancakes.  He ate three huge ones and didn't eat anything else the rest of the day.  It was a dark and rainy day, perfect for doing nothing which is exactly what I did.  I sat and held Sam and watched Finn play with his toys.  Finn and Sam also played together as well.

Finn's idea of playing with Sam.  I walked into the den from cleaning the kitchen and found Sam just like this.  Heaven knows how long he was under that blanket.

Saturday was much like Friday - overcast and dreary - just the way I like it. Again, we had a pretty lazy day.  Around midday Finn and I snuggled on the couch and watched "Tangled." Yes, it is a Disney princess movie but he loves it. Don't worry, it has guy stuff in it too.  He calls the "hair" movie.  I love watching movies with Finn because I can see how spot on Finn is with his emotional responses.  When the music gets sad or the characters have a sad moment Finn will snuggle up next to me and tell me he loves me. 

 According to Finn, this is the life.  Eating dry cereal in the glider and watching the "hair" movie.

Sam watched pretty intently too.

Sunday was more of the same.  After church we lounged around.  I watched some of the marathon of Game of Thrones.  Finn likes the theme music for Game of Thrones so we watched the title sequence at least six times in a row, at Finn's request.  Midway through he looked over at me and said, "this is beautiful music mom."  Poor child is just like me.

 Sam is so close to crawling.  He can scoot himself backwards and rock on his knees. I guess it could be any day now.


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