Papa Bumbalough's Birthday

Last weekend we went to Eddie and Elaine's lake house to celebrate Papa Bumbalough's 80th birthday.  We got to the lake house around 11:00 and immediately went down to get on the boat.  Elaine, Kayla, Lane and Jared picked us up and we were off for a day of fun on the pontoon. Right off the bat Finn hopped on the Jet-ski with Grandad.  Michael and I then took turns riding with Finn.

Child of the 80's ???? No, just jet-ski hair.

Next I tried to get Finn to swim in the lake with me.  He was already wearing his "Lightening McQueen" life jacket so I put mine on and jumped right in with him.  He was terrified.  I tried to show that his life jacket would keep him afloat, but he was having no part of it.  He clung for dear life to anything he could get his hands on, including my hair.  Had I not been wearing a life jacket, he would have drown me. 

Being on the boat was more Finn's speed.  Elaine brilliantly decided to put a little kiddie pool on the boat for the kids to play in.  It was a huge success. 

Sam enjoyed the boat as well.  He spent much of his time sleeping.

There were also mandatory swimming lessons. Lane just started taking lessons and showed his skills.

Next, Michael and I decided to jump off of the top of the boat.  It looks really high when you are on top. 

Cooper loved watching his crazy aunt and uncle jump into the water.  He would laugh and smile and sign "more."  I jumped several times just to see that smile. 

Cooper, unlike Finn, also let me swim with him. 

We spent several hours on the lake.  It was really hot, but so much fun.  

 Before going in for the day, Lane rode the jet-ski and Cooper rode the tube.
Next we went up the house to grill out.  While the adults ate, the boys played. 

 These tricycles were a hit!

When it was time for bed I made Finn a pallet on the floor.  He was dead set against sleeping by himself so I laid down with him until he fell asleep.  I think that I fell asleep first so I ended up staying with him all night. Anytime I would move Finn would grab my face to make sure I was still with him.  

At 4:00 I heard a terrible thud, I jerked up to find that poor Cooper had fallen off of the bed.

The next morning we woke up and had a big breakfast together.  The boys hung out in their pajamas.

 Finn and Lane both learned how to give a "real" thumbs up.

When Papa Bumbalough arrived later in the day we ate lunch and then had birthday cake. 

 Then we snapped a few group shots. 

Thank you Elaine for a great weekend!


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