Gran's Big 5-0

On Tuesday we celebrated Gran's birthday at our house.  Michael picked the boys up from Victoria's house so that I could spend some additional time preparing.  Finn was quite helpful.  He didn't necessarily help me clean up, but he did manage to not pull out every toy in the house.

Gran, Chelsea and Sharon arrived around 6:00.  It was a very low-key event - except for the fact that I was able to use my china.  I was so excited to us it that I have been drinking out of my china tea cup all week.

Finn was excited for the party.  He was more excited when he learned we were having cupcakes (Gigi's to be exact).   Finn and I split a chocolate with cream cheese icing.  Next he attempted to eat Gran's cupcake too.

Sam was his usual charming self.  He laid on his belly in the kitchen while ate.  Later Gran held him while we chatted in the living room.  It was a nice, relaxing evening.

Gran also got the pleasure of hearing Finn's new word - "what."  It is so simple, but so funny.  If Finn doesn't understand or hear what someone has just said to him he will whip around and say "what?"  He said is so fast and so staccato and with such force that I can't help but laugh every time.  I will try my best to video and post it.

Afterwards I took some time to cuddle with Sam, a.k.a. the best cuddler in the world.


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