Making Progress

Both of my boys have made tremendous progress over the past week.  It is still too early to call, but I think that Finn finally has the hang of the toilet.  He tells me almost every time he needs to go now.  On Thursday morning while I was upstairs getting ready, Finn took his pull-up off, got on the potty and "put a BIGGG poo-poo in the potty" (Finn's words, not mine) all by himself.  He was excited to come upstairs and get me.  He led me downstairs and insisted that I look.  I was so proud of him.  Michael and I decided that this feat deserved a "long neck."

Finn has been asking insistently and often for a "long neck."  Ever since watching "The Land Before Time" he has thought of nothing but getting a "long neck."  Last Saturday he woke me from a nap asking if we could go to the store to buy a "long neck."  The next day he walked to back of the yard, asked Michael to turn off the lawn mower and very seriously discussed his need for a "long neck."  Call me a sucker, but I thought this would be the perfect time to get Finn a "long neck."   Michael stopped at Wal-Mart on the way home from work to pick up, not one, but two "long necks."  At a dollar a piece you can see that we Begleys are pretty flamboyant.

Finn was so excited when Michael got home with his long necks.  He immediately got the rest of his dinosaurs out and started playing.  At this rate, we may be having a dinosaur themed third birthday party.

Sam is making great progress too.  He can now sit up on his own . . . for a little while.  He is very wobbly, but can catch himself much of the time.  He still loses his balance and falls head first into whatever happens to be near him, but he handles it well.

 Such a good night at home with the boys.

Sam is also moving around the room.  He isn't crawling, but somehow he can get where he needs to go. He can get his on his hands a knees and pick his stomach off the ground, but he falls back down almost instantly.  He has become very interested in his toys and there isn't a span that he won't slink across to reach them.  The only downside is that now we have to start really paying attention to choking hazards.  Finn may come home to find that some of his "less played with/more dangerous toys" to be gone.

Sam also has a talent for backing himself into corners and underneath pieces of furniture. Michael jokes that Sam could find a corner in a round room.  One day last week I walked in to find Sam halfway under the TV cabinet.

Sam also has a new pediatrician.  Our pediatrician (that I loved) retired in June so we opted to leave the practice for a place closer to home.  Our new pediatrician is Dr. Johnson and he is wonderful.  I decided to get a boy doctor just in case either boy turns out to be modest.  Finn has just gotten the hang of Dr. Thompson so we'll see how he handles meeting his new doctor.  When I mentioned taking Sam to the doctor, Finn said in passing, "Dr. Johnson will help him."  If nothing else, Finn has learned his name.

At his six month check up Sam weight in at 20 lbs, 8 oz. and 28 in. long.  He is in the 98th percentile across the board.  Dr. Johnson was impressed with how proportionate Sam is.  He also told me that he projects Sam to be about 6"2 at full height.  I guess we'll see.


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