PCB 2012 - Day 1

On Friday Grandad and Gigi came to pick up Finn for vacation.  Grandad, Gigi, Finn and Lauren all left a day early so that they could stop midway through and spend the night in the hotel.  Before they got out of our development Finn already asked, "are we there yet Grandad."  Finn apparently asked a thousand questions from the time they left Hendersonville.

Michael, Sam and I left at 4:45 on Saturday morning.  Before leaving we took a pre-car picture with Sam.

Sam, right before we left. 

We were really dreading driving with Sam - he is generally not a great car baby, but he did as well as we could have hoped.  We stopped for breakfast at Chic-Fil-A and then for lunch at Firehouse.  We arrived in Panama City around 2:00.  About 30 minutes from our place, Sam couldn't take it anymore and started to scream.  I felt so bad for him.

When we got to the Condo we all unpacked and headed down to the beach for a quick dip.  Then Michael and Gina went to the store to get food while I stayed back with Sam. For dinner we made salads and then we all went to bed really early.   Michael and I share a room with Lauren and Finn and Sam - well we put Sam in the pack-n-play in the closet.  For Finn we pulled the love seat up next to our bed and made a toddler bed.  We all slept great!


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