PCB Day 5

On our last full day at the beach Finn and I went to play in the ocean.  The water was absolutely beautiful - no sea weed at all.  Finn and I played in the water for a long time and I have the burn to prove it.    Now that Finn is older he has developed a healthy fear of the ocean. Finn was pretty brave today while in the ocean as long as I was holding him.   He wanted me to go far out into the ocean.  He loved playing 123 jump. 

 After playing in the water Finn told me that he wanted to play in the sand.  The two of us made a sand hill which turned into a sand mountain which Finn's shark promptly destroyed.

I have been pretty busy keeping Sam from getting a sunburn so I haven't spent a lot time with Finn at the beach.  Well today was my day.  I enjoyed every minute I spent with Finn.  Every so often he would look over and tell me he loved me and that he was having a good time with me.  Next we went to the pool for a few minutes.  Finn played in the water with Grandad while I laid out in the sun.

Michael and Sam stayed in the room.   Michael read and Sam napped.

When Finn and I got back Michael, Finn, Sam and I took a Begley trip to the Firehouse down the road.  Finn fell asleep on the two minute trip over and would not wake up.  He slept on me until I offered him a bite of brownie and he hopped right up.

 Sam at the Firehouse.

It was kind of rainy when we got back so we decided to spend the rest of the day lounging in the room.  Sam napped on Gigi, I packed, and Zac and Emily made hamburgers.  The rest of the evening was very relaxing and really fun. 

Thank you Dad and Gina for a wonderful trip. This enabled us to do something with the boys that we couldn't have done on our own.  Thank you.


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