The Fruits of our Labor

Yesterday (July 30, 2012) was our 7th wedding anniversary.  Seven years of marriage and what do we have to show for it . . . only the sweetest little blokes a mom could ask for.  I don't get mushy on this blog very often, but I am so thankful for my marriage, for my boys and for Michael.  He is a wonderful father, a very patient husband and he single handedly takes care of my "load dropping" cat.  Anyone who knows Michael knows that he works very hard at his job and is punctual as they come - clearly this last sentence is a joke:) 

To celebrate on our actual anniversary Michael and I met for lunch downtown at Amerigos.  It was closing in on 2:00 when we got there so the place was practically empty.  We had a groupon gift card so we went all out - meaning, I ordered the catch of the day and an appetizer.

When we got home Michael and Finn started emptying the kiddie pool.  After a three hundred dollar water bill two years ago, we do not waste water.  Michael uses the water from the pool to water the plants and trees.  Finn believes this to be great fun.  I gave him a little bucket and he spent the evening filling his little bucket and dumping it out onto the plants.  He was completely soaked. 

Later Sam and I came out to watch.  I let Sam sit on the grass for the first time.  He was a little disturbed by the feel of the grass.  He would get real tense and furrow his brow and try to lift his legs.

I call this one " adjusting to the grass."

As with everything he adjusted quickly and started feeling it with his fingers. He looked so cute sitting there that I had to run in and get my camera.

Next Michael and Finn went to SteinMart to exchange a shirt.  Finn came back with a milkshake and a dinosaur puzzle.  The deal was that if Finn stayed in his bed all night he could play with the puzzle when he woke up.  Finn regularly gets up a couple of time every night just to be walked straight back to his bed.  I am happy to report that the puzzle worked.  He only woke up once and that was to go to the bathroom.

In other news about Finn: Finn has developed a bit of a stutter.  It showed up out of the blue a few weeks ago but it has really gotten bad this week. We are not overly concerned, but we are keeping tabs on it.  Now when he gets really tied up we tell him to take a deep breath, think about what he wants to say and then say it.   It is still pretty early, but it appears to be helping.  Thank you Gran for the advise.  Today when I picked Finn up from JTs he was pretty excited to tell me about his day and started stuttering.  He stopped himself and said "deep breath."  He took a deep breath and then started back up.  He did the same thing before bed.  It is neat that he can catch himself so quickly.

I get so tickled when we leave JTs in the afternoon.  JT will sit on the front porch and watch Finn leave.  Finn will wave and yell out the window "bye JT - see you tomorrow."  JT will yell back accordingly.  It is so cute to hear two friends yell at each other through the car window.


  1. Happy Anniversary you two! I am thankful for the two blokes and for you and Michael! God bless you all!
    Love Mom

  2. I feel like yall are spelling bloke wrong, but the other spelling doesn't look right either. Eh. Anyways, Oh these are the cutest pictures ever. They are just precious!!! I'm gonna go look up that word.


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