Cheekwood: Take Two

Sunday after church we met Nana and Papa at SATCO for some tacos out on the deck.  The tacos were the prequel to our fun trip to Cheekwood.  A couple of weeks ago we made an attempt to take the boys on a Monday just to find out that it was closed.  Today was our day of redemption.

When we pulled into the gardens we saw tons of cars.  We assumed that it would be packed, but it was actually really nice.  First we stopped to buy our tickets.  Next we started on our journey to see the seven tree houses.

The first tree house was my least favorite; it looked like a stained glass window.  Finn didn't really like it very much either.  He was terrified of the slide for some reason.  I later learned it was because he went flying off the end of the slide and fell on his bottom.

Next we stopped in the amphitheater to give Finn an opportunity to perform a soliloquy.  Then we went to what I call, the "Swiss Family Robinson" tree house.  I climbed into the loft and I thought that Finn would join me - but he didn't. 

Next we went to the tree house shaped like a sea shell.

Channeling his inner zebra.
For the first part of the trip Sam rode in the stroller. 

Finn is now obsessed with dinosaurs and often pretends to be one.  Here he was walking around like a T-Rex. However, when mom took the picture he immediately stopped.  So I was the only one walking like a T-Rex.  Thanks for leavin' me hanging Finn!

It didn't take long for Sam to decide that he was missing out on all the fun.  In his attempt to get out of the stroller he threw a screaming fit.  Sam spent the last half of out trip in the baby carrier were he was much happier.

The fourth tree house was called the "Jolly Roger."  It was pirate ship complete with a compass, helm, and lower deck.
Family picture on the "Jolly Roger."

The fifth tree house was called the "Hobbit Hole."  It was so cute and it had a slide.  Finn went down the slide several times.  Finn later told me it was his favorite tree house.

Finn and Papa had a wild ride down the slide.

Even Sam took a turn.

The sixth tree house was shaped like a fish with scales made of c.d.s - it was very impressive.

Finn loved the inside of the fish.  He walked around saying that he was "Jonah in the whale."

The last tree house was shaped like an enormous ball of yard.

  Welcome to the "gun show." 

Thank you Nana and Papa for a really wonderful day at Cheekwood.  The boys had such a fun time and we (Michael and I) enjoyed watching them. 

At the end of the day Sam was pretty tuckered out.

And . . . CUT!  Check the gate.


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