Disorder in the Court

This is a picture of Sam taken at 8:00 p.m. The events leading up this complete "zonk out" are as follows:

10:00 a.m.
Early Monday morning I learned that my morning cases had been removed from the morning docket so I decided to keep the boys home with me.   Well, after Sam took one of the worst falls I have ever seen off of the couch I wished that I hadn't.  Poor little thing fell face first off of the couch straight into the hardwood.  I heard every joint in his back and neck pop.  I was terrified.  I made sure that he could move all of his appendages and then sat and held him for a long time.  After he ate he seemed to be just fine.  I kept a close eye on him the rest of the day.  How did he fall you ask?  Well, as I was "adjusting" to feed him he slid right off. 

11:00 a.m.
I learn that my case had not been cancelled but instead moved to the afternoon docket. Oh no.  Since it was an easy case I decided to just bite the bullet and take the boys with me.  

12:50 a.m. 
 We arrive at the Courthouse.  It is pouring the rain.  I have the diaper bag over one shoulder, Finn on my left hip, the carseat carrier (with Sam in it) over my right arm and the useless umbrella in my left hand.  Note, I am wearing a suit and 4 inch heels.  I'm sure I looked hilarious. 

1:00 p.m.
We walk inside the courtroom.  Finn is cranky.  Partly because I woke him up from his nap in the car (we had a 45 minute drive to Lebanon) and partly because he doesn't do well around strangers.  Sam felt right at home.  In fact, I didn't see Sam most of the time we were there.  Stephanie, the DCS paralegal grabbed hold of him and took off.  Before the day was through Sam had been passed from the DCS paralegal to the DCS attorney to the Court Clerk to the Court Officer and then to the Judge.  Sam looked so funny sitting up at the bench with the Judge.  After a while Finn looked at me and said very seriously, "I think I need to go get my brother."  I am really fortunate to work with such sweet and understanding professionals.  

Finn got his share of attention too. Judge Tatum gave Finn two suckers to keep him happy during my hearing.  He ate both and played quietly with his dinosaurs.  We were in and out in about 45 minutes.  In the car he told me that he listened to me talking and that I did a good job.

1:45 p.m.
 We stop at Sonic to get ice cream. Since Finn was so good at court I stopped to get ice cream.  He asked for "banilla" ice cream with Snickers.  He told me over and over how "banilla" was his favorite.  He truly is my child. 

2:30 p.m.
We arrive home.  Finn takes a nap in his room and Sam and I sleep on the couch until 4:15. 

8:00 p.m.
Both boys are sound asleep.  


  1. Wow! You are truly super woman!
    (I wish you had a picture of Sam sitting in the judges lap!)


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