Promotion Sunday

Sunday was "Promotion Sunday" at church.  We have been preparing Finn for his new Sunday School class for a week.  On our way to church we reinforced over and over that he will really like his new class.  When we got to the nursery area Finn and I started walking around looking for his new class.  Our church has an enormous kid area with probably 40 classrooms.  It took me a while to find Finn's room.

On the way we walked right past Finn's old Sunday school teacher.  He (Finn's teacher) got really excited and said "let's go to Sunday School Finn!"  He meant it in a general since, but Finn took it very literally.  He let go of my hand and ran over to his old teacher.  His face was heartbreaking when he finally understood that he had to go meet a new teacher.  To say Finn doesn't like change is an understatement.  When we arrived at his new room Finn walked right in.  I assumed he was fine so I turned to leave.  He immediately ran to the door and I stupidly turned around.  When we made eye contact Finn's eyes welled up and I made the choice to just bolt out of there; after all I still had to find Sam's new class.

When we picked Finn up after service we learned that he did just fine.  I asked Finn if he like his new Sunday School class and he responded, "mom, you didn't hug me goodbye."  He sounded so hurt. I felt awful. Next we went to pick up Sam.  When I peeked in I saw that he was sound asleep snuggled up next to his teacher.  She mouthed to me, "I love him."  When she handed him over to me she said that her favorite baby was promoted to a new class and that Sam is her new favorite. 

Later in the day the boys and I went to aunt Sharon's birthday party. On the way there Finn purposely spilled a cup full of ice into the floor board.  When I heard it, I whipped around grabbed the cup and yelled "NO."  I could tell that I genuinely scared Finn.  He started to cry - not the whiny cry - but what I call, "my heart hurts" cry.  He looked at me through the rearview mirror and through sobbing tears said, "but I love you so much."  I immediately started crying and apologized to Finn for yelling at him.  As much as I hate to remember this story, I record it so that I can remember that I can discipline my children with a more gentle spirit.

The party was really nice - it was luau theme.  Finn, of course, loved the cake.


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