There's A Great Big Smile in Every Single Aisle

Last Sunday we met Nana and Papa in Nashville and spent the afternoon at Cheekwood.  In the week preceding Finn had asked several time if he could go to Phillip's ToyMart.  Phillip's ToyMart is only about 2 miles from Cheekwood so I told Finn that after we go to the tree houses we would go to Phillip's ToyMart. 

When we got there we found an empty parking lot and a locked door.  Finn was so excited until we told him that the doors were locked.  With the sweetest face he looked up at me and said, "maybe they can borrow your keys mom."  He was so hopeful that we, as his parents, would be able to fix this situation.  Even though it sounds silly, I was so heartbroken for him.  I could see the tears hanging on the edge for several minutes as he walked up and down the building looking into the windows.  Finally he looked up and me and I said, "it's okay to feel sad."  At that moment he burst into tears and hugged me. I almost cried myself.  Michael and I decided that we would make every attempt to make the long trip back before the end of the week.

On Friday my all day trial only lasted half a day so I picked up Finn at JT's house and we drove to ToyMart.  On the way there I turned on my "Game of Thrones" soundtrack.  We listened to the Main Theme over and over the entire way to Bell Meade (which is about 45 minutes).  Finn banged his head and fists exactly with the beat of the music.  He almost looked like he was directly an orchestra. Every time the song ended he would ask me to play again (or as Finn says it "aden").  I am only happy to do so.  I love that Finn loves soundtrack music; it is certainly something we can enjoy together.

When we got to Phillip's ToyMart I took a few pictures of Finn with his giraffe bank.  We give Finn coins for nights when he sleeps all night (this is few and far between).  We hoped that by letting Finn pick out a toy and purchase it with the coins he earned from sleeping through the night that he would do it more often.  Only time will tell.

I have to admit that I was impressed with Phillip's ToyMart.  I have never seen so many toys in my life (well, that is except for at FAO Schwartz).  It didn't take long for Finn to find the dinosaur aisle.

 After playing with the dinosaurs we made our way through the rest of the store.  Finn looked at almost everything but showed the most interest in the dinosaurs and the dragon figurines.  He also liked the hat aisle.

When we had looked through everything Finn decided that he wanted to buy a "spinosaurus." We took the toy dinosaur up to the counter, emptied his bank and let Finn make his purchase.  Michael had to make up a few dollars of the difference. 

Finn had a such a good time and I am so happy that I was able to have this day with him.  I just love him so much.


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