On Friday the boys and I went to Chic-Fil-A in Mt. Juliet for Jake's First Birthday.  Jake is one of the children that Gran nannies for.  Finn had a ball.  He ate chicken nuggets for the first time (and loved them), he had cupcakes and he played with a very bossy little girl (not anyone from our group) in the play area. 

We were very happy to get an invitation and we had a great time!

Sam was not as good.  He was uncharacteristically fussy the whole time.  Finn left the party with Michael and the two went back to Michael's office for a while.  Sam and I sat in traffic on 109.  When I got home I took a 2 1/2 hour conference call - I thought I was going to die!

Promptly at 7:00 both boys took baths.  Since I spent the whole day with them I felt no guilt whatsoever putting them to bed right at 8:00. 


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