This week Sam made the upgrade to the family table.  Before, while we ate, he rolled around on the floor and played with Finn's toys.  Well, we decided it was high time for Sam to eat with his family.  In order to make this work we had to assign Finn a new chair so that Sam could sit next to me.  Finn now sits at the end of the table.  Sam enjoys sitting with us.  He eats his food and plays with his toys until we are finished.  The only major problem that I am having with Sam and his eating is that he blows his food out of his mouth.  It goes everywhere and it is gross.  He thinks its funny.  I almost gag every time.  I have decided that I will just stop feeding him altogether until he can start behaving.  He catches on quickly.  When he wants another bite he opens his mouth really wide, leans in toward me and rotates his hands.  I just ignored him for a while.  When I finally gave him his next bite he swallowed politely and gestured for more.

This week our neighbors Caroline and Hannah came over to play with Finn.  Finn likes to play with Caroline; probably because she is older than him.  Once again, Finn likes older kids.  Midway through the visit Finn asked for a Popsicle.  We gave one to each of the children.  Caroline grabbed one of Finn's chairs from the backyard.  Finn grabbed the other and sat it down right next to her.

Usually Finn goes to bed before Sam; we get Finn settled down and then we start working on getting Sam to bed.  The other night while we were tucking in Finn I heard the loudest noise.  I looked downstairs to see Sam playing with a cup.  I would compare his playing to "fetch".  He rolled the cup away and then would go get it again. 


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