The Wedding Shower

On Saturday, Finn, Sam and I got up very early.  Finn ran downstairs and went straight to the pantry.  He grabbed the pancake mix box and asked me to make him some pancakes.  Well, the box was almost empty so I asked Finn if he would rather have biscuits instead.  I guess he did because he ate three enormous biscuits.

After Finn ate breakfast we woke Daddy up and then I left to meet my good friends at our "first Saturday of the month" breakfast at Mimi's.  This is my new favorite event of the month. 

After arriving home I decided that it was time to start a new baby food with Sam; something I have been dreading.  Sam has done really well with sweet potatoes which is completely understandable since sweet potatoes are actually pretty good.  There is absolutely nothing appetizing about baby green beans. I almost gag every time I open the container.  I grabbed several towels expecting a messy disaster - I didn't have to use one.  Sam ate that gross stuff like it was his last meal.  I am feeling pretty confident that Sam will not be a picky eater. 

Chelsea and Madeline

Next Sam and I went to Gran's house for Chelsea's wedding shower.  It was great!  I am pretty impressed by food - and the event was catered by "Chef's Market" which automatically made it great.  The shower was hosted by Madeline (Chelsea's sister), Gran and Lori (Chelsea's step-mother).  I decided to leave Finn at home so that we women could have some peace.  Sam was precious the entire time.  He was passed around from person to person all day and loved every minute of it.  He acted like the perfect gentlemen.  He did however, scream bloody murder whenever Molly (Chelsea's dog) would come around.  Early in the day Molly barked in the general direction of Sam which scared Sam half to death.  So for the rest of the day he would panic whenever Molly would come close. 

After the shower was over Sam and I went home to change and pick up Finn and Michael.  Earlier in the day we learned that Pa was coming in for the evening to pick up his new four wheeler.

Finn and Godzilla - his favorite toy at Gran's house.


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