Cheesesteak and Pizza

After Phillip's ToyMart Finn went home with Grandad and Gigi to go to the football game while Sam and I went to spend the night with Nana and Papa.  Emily, Coop and Hank were there too.  I always look forward to spending the night at Nana and Papa's house on Friday nights because I know that I am going to get pizza.  This particular evening Emily and I decided that in addition to pizza we wanted to split and Philly Cheese steak sandwich.  We washed it all down with cookies and ice cream.  Sam sat at the table with us and dinned on his toes.  He sucked on his little toesies, just like he sucked his thumb. 

We all sat up really late talking.  Sam split his time between Nana and Aunt Emily until he couldn't hold his eyes only anymore and feel asleep on the floor.   Mom made him a pallet on the floor next to my bed and he slept soundly through the night. 

The next morning mom and made waffles and we relaxed around the house.  One of the reasons that I came home for the weekend was to attend my friend Brandy's baby shower.  Before leaving for the shower I went to pick up Finn.  Finn and Sam hung at mom's house while I went to Hillsboro for the shower.

When I got back Finn and Nana read one of my Berenstain Bear's books and then we headed home.  I really had a fun time. 


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