Do the Inch Worm

Sweet little Sam is getting closer and closer to crawling.  Right now he is doing what I refer to as the "inchworm"  He raises his body off the floor, brings his hands and feet as close together as he can (which, truth be told, isn't very far) and then plops down.  It looks terribly difficult and not particularly  time efficient - but effective nonetheless.  Sam can pretty much get to wherever he wants to go.  It takes him a while, but he is semi-mobile.  He spends a lot of time on his belly in the floor reaching for any toys he sees.  Today he spent the day in my office completely destroying my files.  Somehow he opened my files and crumpled the papers inside.  When I put the files behind him he would immediately pick his hands and feet off of the ground and swivel around to get the file again. The speed at which he did this was unsettling.

Last night Finn asked me to play in his room.  In the middle of making me a hamburger he walks over to me taps me under the chin with the top of his fingers and says in perfect rhythm "I think your getting kinda chubby."  Trust me, there is nothing I love more than to have my children point out my physical imperfections.  He picked this little gem up from a movie.

Finn is also manipulating the nighttime system. After we have fully tucked him in and are walking out the door Finn informs us that he needs to poop. We get so frustrated with him, but he actually poops every time.  The only problem is it takes him forever to finish. After several minutes of sitting and waiting on Finn I will say "I think your done" to which Finn responds, "no I think I'm not."  He is always right.  I am not really complaining, I just wish he would pick another time to go.

Finally, last night after Finn went to bed I put Sam in the floor to play while I popped some popcorn.  He was making all kinds of ruckus rolling a plastic cup around on the hardwood.  All of sudden I noticed it was very quite, I walked into the den to find this  . . .

Sam had fallen sound a sleep on the floor. 


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