Beans First; Brownies Second

Today I dragged poor Finn all over town. We went to the Clerk's office, to the Probation office, to Juvenile Court to DCS to the post office, and finally to the store. It wouldn't have been so bad if I didn't have to get Finn in and out of that carseat five different times. We were gone for about three (3) hours and Finn was a jewel the whole time.

When we got home Finn took a long nap and then he and Daddy put the Christmas lights up on the outside.

Such a good little helper.

While outside Finn's hands got really cold so Michael taught him how to put his hands in his pockets.
Running with his hands in his pockets - we were sure that he would fall and bust his face up. Thank goodness he didn't.

He looked so cute and grown up standing there with his hands in the pockets of his jacket. Every so often he would run into the house and ask for a Christmas cookie.

We had green beans, brown rice and Thia chicken for dinner tonight. I gave Finn beans and rice. He didn't eat any of it. We have a new experiment going. If Finn doesn't eat what we serve him for dinner he just doesn't eat. He doesn't seem to mind and doesn't seem to be hungry so we don't worry too much.

After dinner I made brownies. Finn was really interested in a brownie and wanted one really bad. We told him that he could eat a brownie if he would eat his beans. He acted interested in his beans but in the end refused to do it so he didn't get a brownie. He didn't fuss, and we didn't cave - so it turned out better than I thought it would.


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