Christmas Play

Today was one busy day. Finn and I woke up around 6:30 and ate breakfast. After breakfast he snuggled up next to me and we watched "Finding Nemo." Finn loves Nemo! I love watching him watch Nemo. The only problem is that I cry every time I watch. Finn is so sweet when I cry. He gets a really concerned look on his face and says "I'm sorry mommy." Then I feel really bad because he thinks that he did something to make me cry. In way he is right, but it is always a good cry.

After Nemo we went to town to run some errands. After we got back I left to go to an adoption party for a young girl that I represented and then went straight to a baby shower for my friend and work colleague Samantha. While I was gone Finn got a haircut.

Later on in the evening Finn and I went to see MJ in the Christmas play at her church. When we got there we sat in the second row so that we could get a good view. Fifteen minutes in Finn got restless so moved close to the back of the auditorium. While I watched the show Finn took all the hymnals out of the pew, lined them up on the seat and counted them. Then he walked back and forth up and down the pew for a while. I think he may have attempted to eat a pencil because I saw a broken off point stuck to his cheek.

When the songs would end he would hold his hands high over his head and clap as loud as he could. Then he would run over to me and say "I clapped mommy." He was so proud of himself. I was just glad that there wasn't anyone sitting within a 50 foot radius of us. The minute the preacher got up to give a short message Finn came over to me and said, "go home now?" We are clearly not ready to sit through a service yet.

Even though Finn didn't respond to the play as I had hoped, it was a wonderful play and Emily was great. I knew Em was a great singer but I was surprised at how good of an actor she was. Everyone was good - but Em was the best.


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