"I Don't Know"

Well, I have to admit that I have been neglecting my blog. My excuse is a lousy one; mostly that I am too busy feeling sorry for myself. Between the backaches, terrible heartburn, restless legs, the swollen legs, the sinus infection and the extreme fatigue, I have wanted to do nothing other than wallow in my own self pity. Well, I went to the doctor yesterday and learned that Sam and I are going to be in this for the long hall. My doctor's words were "I don't think you will make it to 41 weeks." Translations - definitely going the full 4o weeks. Luckily I only have two and half weeks left. I really look forward to breathing again. I also think that Michael will appreciate the fact that I am no longer talking in my sleep. Apparently, ever since entering my third trimester I have been talking in my sleep regularly and loudly.

This is a picture of Finn helping Daddy put ice in his water.

Finn had a big day today. This morning we went to Mt. Juliet for Katie's birthday party at a "Monkey Joes" type place. Finn was in a great mood all morning until we got to the party. He did not want to go down the slides. He told us that they were "too steep." In order to lure Finn in his super preggers mother waddled her way through a very difficult inflatable obstacle course. Finn thought it was great that I was in but wouldn't go through the entire thing with me. I ended up lifting him over the top and handing him to Michael. By the time I was halfway through I realized that I couldn't go back the way I came so I dragged my enormous body up and over the climbing wall and down the steep slide. Finn's mood improved up seeing the pizza and cupcakes for lunch.

After we got home Finn took a nap and then we went to the Home Depot and Lowes to look at fencing. Finn test drove all the lawn mowers.

When we got home Finn spent his night alternating between cleaning up his toys and going to timeout. Currently he is snuggled up on the couch eating popcorn and watching Nemo in his jammies.

As for the rest of the week, Finn spent Wednesday with Gran and Pa while I worked. Finn had a great day - he played with his new train table and then went to the movie theater to see the new "Chipmunk" movie.

On Thursday he went to JT's house while I went to the doctors and worked. On our way home from JTs Finn got to talking about his family; specifically Papa. As I always do I asked Finn what Papa's name was. He said, "Greg." Then we said "Macey's dad is Greg too!" Then in a his most excited voice he said, "there are two Gregs!" He also realized that there are two Tommys too. When I asked him what Nana's name was he "I don't know." This is his new "go to" response. He says it in this falsetto voice that is so funny." After hearing it over and over though it has become a little obnoxious. When I asked him again what Nana's name was he said "Weah." He hasn't mastered the letter "L" yet.


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