Bubbles on my Beard
This morning all three Begley's headed out the door at the same time. Finn and I were in my car behind Michael's car. As we were pulling out of the subdivision Finn spotted Daddy's car making a right hand turn. As it was a cold morning and Michael's car emits more smoke/smog/exhaust than 99% of all cars on the road, I wasn't surprised to hear Finn say, "There goes Daddy's car puffing around the bend." He said it such enthusiasm. My sweet, observant little rascal was so proud of his Daddy's car because he thought it was like a steam engine, or a "steamy" as we call them around the house. I got so tickled that I had to call Michael immediately.
Over the past few days Michael and Finn have come up with a fun new game in the bathtub. Finn calls it "bubbles on my beard." Playing is quite simple . . . you just put your face in the water and let the bubbles hang out on your face.
It doesn't look all that fun, but I assure no children were hurt or water logged during the making of this blog post.
That's more like it. He thinks this is pretty great.

This is a picture of Finn and his "bank" which comes out sounding like "pank."

Here we have Finn putting his raccoon to bed. He went through the entire routine - turning on the music, turning on the fan, turning on the heater, (I know - why would you need both? We ask ourselves that same question every night.) turning on the turtle and covering Mr. Raccoon up.
Over the past few days Michael and Finn have come up with a fun new game in the bathtub. Finn calls it "bubbles on my beard." Playing is quite simple . . . you just put your face in the water and let the bubbles hang out on your face.
This is a picture of Finn and his "bank" which comes out sounding like "pank."
He looks so grown up and he is sooooo sweet