Christmas with Gran and Pa 2011

After having our family Christmas at home we went to spend some time with the Begley’s. Tommy, James, Chelsea, David and Sharon were all in town at the same time – that hardly ever happens. When we got there Finn ate fruit and cool whip. Then we opened presents. This year Finn handed the presents out – he did great! He handed almost all them out before he succumbed to the desire to open his own. Michael would read the name and Finn would carry the present over. After a few minutes he noticed that Pa did not have any presents and he started asking, “Where’s Pa’s presents?”

Finn received a Thomas the Train train table, a garage for his cars, a dump truck, blocks, miniature farm animals, books/keys/cell phone from Aunt Chelsea, “A Christmas Carol” from Uncle David and Aunt Sharon (Disney Version), and clothes from Gran and Pa.

After we had opened all the presents Uncle David gathered up the paper and when Finn wasn’t looking dumped all the paper on his head. Finn thought this was hilarious and he would say “beasted!” Then we would take “beast me again.”

Next we went upstairs and laid on the couch and watched “A Christmas Carol.” Finn watched the entire movie before falling asleep during “Small One” (came on after the Christmas Carol). I bawled all through Small One. I remember watching it a lot as a child, but forgot how sad/sweet it was.

Then Michael and I went home to unload the gifts and put everything away. Finn stayed and played at Gran and Pa’s house. Later that evening we went to Clarksville for Christmas with Mimi. James and Chelsea rode in the backseat with Finn while Finn watched Nemo on his “puter.”

Finn was in rare form at Mimi’s house. He didn’t stop talking for even a minute. He sat at the table and ate dinner with us all the while asking when we were going to open presents. When the time finally arrived, Finn got a puppy dog, farm animals, jammies and “Mater” truck. Sam got a Christmas ornament from Mimi and beautiful wicker chest from Tina. After opening his presents we put on his new jammies and he played with his farm animals until time to go.

Finn slept most of the way home. I think he really excited about waking up tomorrow morning and playing with all of his new toys. I just hope he sleep until 7:00.


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