
Today was another first for Finn - the first time he has ever run into the nursery. He walked by himself all the way to the door. When they opened the baby gate, he walked right through and then ran to the back of the room where his teacher and the other children were playing. He didn't look back either. I was so happy for his progress!

After church, on the way to Zaxby's we asked Finn what he talked about in Sunday School and he he said, "God." Apparently he did not talk about Jesus. He also informed us that Jesus was not a baby (today's lesson was when Mary learned that she would have a baby) - not quite sure where the disconnect was. I tried to talk about Jesus being a baby like Sam, but Finn wasn't having it.

At Zaxby's Finn said something that shocked me a little bit. As we were leaving Finn asked Michael to put his James backpack on his back. Michael had his hands full so he told Finn that he could see his James bag in the car. Finn asked a couple more time with the same response. So he turned to me and asked the same question. I stopped and put his backpack on his back. He looked at me and said, "thank you mommy, thank you for listening to me."

After church we had lunch at Zaxby's and then we went home and we all took naps. After Finn's nap he helped me to organize Sam's room. I packed away all of Finn's clothes that were too small for him (and too big for Sam) and started hanging Sam's clean clothes in the closet. Gran ran a load for me on Friday and I ran a couple of loads today. I forgot how many outfits Finn had. Its weird - I can look at an outfit and remember an exact day when Finn wore it (the blog definitely helps). While I was digging in the closet Finn was playing with Sam's toys (a.k.a. Finn's old toys). He ended up finding the dog that Ruby Jo gave Sam (it plays "Jesus Loves Me.") Finn sat in the nap nanny and sang "Jesus Loves Me" about twenty times.

Then I introduced Finn to his horse bank. At one of his showers his Aunt Tracey gave him a "piggy bank" that is actually a horse. Finn caught on to the idea of the bank very quickly. I gave him a few pennies and a couple of nickles. He was so deliberate in putting those coins in the bank. When he was finished he put the bank on his night table. The rest of the night he asked us for "coins." I'm trying to figure out what I can have him do around the house to earn pennies. Michael made a good point that we don't need to pay him for things he has to do anyway (pick up his toys, etc.) so I am kind of stumped on what to do.

Next we took a family trip to Kroger. At Kroger I hit my finger on the buggy. It hurt enough that said "ouch" and shock it a little. Finn grabbed my hand, looked at my fingers and gave them a kiss. They immediately felt better. As we were walking out to the car Finn started singing "Ba Ba Black Sheep." When he got to the "one for the Master, one for the Dame" part he substituted the following: "one for daddy, one for mommy, one for Finn."

When we got home Finn found his stuffed raccoon and sat with it and Daddy until bedtime.

When Finn prayed tonight he specifically prayed for Uncle James. Usually Michael will pray and thank God for the trees and the rain and Finn will always say "and the clouds." Tonight he decided that he wanted to pray for Uncle James.

This has been a really long post, but I have one more thing to blog about. We finally got rid of the scary dog today. After lunch I ran upstairs and put the dog on the coffee table. Finn didn't spot it immediately, but when he did he absolutely freaked out. He grabbed Michael and started bawling. I put the dog in the garage in the box with the Christmas decorations. Then Finn and I walked around the house so that I could prove to him that the "scary dog" was gone. When I explained to him that he was gone like Kodiak Finn seemed to calm down. I will never understand why that dog is so scary.


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