Happy Birthday Nana

This has been a very big weekend for Finn. After Lauren's graduation Finn and I went to Nana and Papa's house to celebrate Nana's birthday. When we got there we ordered pizzas - Finn ate two (2) of Aunt Em's thin crust cheese pizza sitting at the table like an adult. After pizza he dug into the single biggest piece of cake that I have ever seen cut for a two (2) year old. Nana really knows how to cut cake.

For most of the night Finn played with Cooper upstairs in the playroom. He played kitchen and blocks with Papa. When it was time for bed he crawled into the murphey bed with Nana. Cooper slept in the pack-n-play in the room too. I slept soundly in mom's bed while Em settled in on the couch. When I woke up the next morning I was startled to find that Em was with me. I was happy she came in but completely dumbfounded that I didn't wake up when she did. This pregnancy business must make me sleep very soundly.

The next morning Mom told me that Finn is the best whisperer! After Em moved to bed with me Mom moved to the couch to escape the noxious fumes coming from Finn (Finn had a terrible bowel movement in his sleep). At around 6:30 Finn woke up, crawled down the stairs and stood over Nana whispering for her to get up. I know this "get up whisper" all too well.

For breakfast Papa went to get breakfast at Hardees. Finn at a pop-tart. After breakfast we got ready and by noon we were on the road.

It was a really fun visit. Happy Birthday Nana!


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