Lauren's Gradutation

Yesterday (Thursday) Finn and I left for Tullahoma to meet Grandad and Gigi to drive to Knoxville for Lauren's graduation. Before we left Finn and I made our customary five stops to different courthouses to work. On our way out General Sessions Finn took off running down the ramp and bit the dust at the bottom. He was fine, but acted very dramatic.

Once we got to Tullahoma we loaded into the van and went to pick up Gene and Minnie. Finn was so excited to be in the van. He was so keyed up that he didn't take a nap until we were almost there. Grandad and Gigi gave him a portable DVD player to watch movies on the way to Knoxville. He watched Chess and Thomas most of the way. He calls it his "puter."

Once we got to Knoxville we went to eat dinner with Lauren at Calhouns. Finn ate a grilled cheese out of a car box. Then he and Grandad looked at ducks on the dock.

Next we went to the hotel room. Finn cried the minute he saw the room because it only had beds in it and he assumed he was going to bed. We assured him he wasn't going to bed and let him bounce on the bed for a few minutes. When it was time for bed Finn crawled up with Grandad and then me and watched Chess. Then we turned the light of and went to sleep. I think we were all asleep by 9:30. I started the night facing Finn until he starting kicking me - then I turned away from him and hoped for the best. He didn't fall of the bed, but he came pretty close.

The next morning (Friday) Finn had "Fruit Loops" for the first time. He ate them dry with a fork.

We arrived at UT at around 8:30 and found our seats. I was dreading the ceremony because I knew Finn would be awful. I wouldn't say he was good as gold, but "good as bronze" may be appropriate. He slept for the first hour in my lap. However, everytime the crowd would clap Finn would jerk awake and join in the clapping. He would only get a three or fours claps in before he was sound asleep again. He woke up right in time for graduates names to be called. All though the ceremony he asked where Lauren was.

After Lauren's name was called Grandad and I took him outside. Grandad went to the bathroom and Finn tried to follow him in. It was an enormous bathroom so I didn't know if Dad would know Finn was in there. Thankfully I was able to stop him before he walked to far - I knew I couldn't go in. When he came out he stood nicely beside the wall. However, I looked down and saw that Finn was licking the wall - oh goodness.

Next we took pictures with the graduate. After we left the school we went to the World Fair Park where Finn went up in the big ball. When we made it to the top Finn took several laps. He was so excited to be running in circles so high up.

On our way home we made a quick stop to Kohl's where I bought Finn a Christmas present - a farm and a "Harold." Then we had a quick sandwich at McCallisters.

We are now in the car driving home. Finn is cuddling with his soft bunny (Trash) and his little blanket. He is also talking to himself. Finn has a running commentary of his life running all the time.


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