Christmas Morning with the Finnster 2011

At 6:30 this morning I felt a little hand pat my shoulder while a little voice whispered “go downstairs?” We pulled him up in bed and told it was Christmas morning. He was really excited immediately asked to open presents.

When we got downstairs we made Finn some oatmeal and let him eat his breakfast on his new “Toy Story” table (one of his Christmas presents). Once he was finished eating he opened his presents. Finn got a “Harold the Helicopter,” a set of “Nemo” keys, a toddler Bible, the game “gone fishin” and a farm/barn set. When he opened the farm he said, in his most excited voice, “I needed this.” So precious.

After he opened all of his presents he started playing. Much to my delight he loved his fishing game. It is just a little simple game where the fish open and close their mouths and you try to catch on with the fishing rod. Finn thought that the fishing game was really the pond that went with his barn. He would go fishing, put the fish he caught in the back of the tractor and take the fish to town.

Next Finn and Daddy checked out the stories in his new bible.

After playing for a while we got ready for our Christmas at Gran and Pa’s house.

It was a really wonderful day and I love spending Christmas with Finn.

Not a lot of pictures unfortunately. We videoed everything instead.


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