Double Standard

Finn is starting to realize that there is a double standard as it relates to discipline going on his house. On Saturday night Finn spent some good time in "timeout" for playing with his trains on the TV stand. We wouldn't care if Finn played on the TV table if he didn't roll his trains on the actually television screen. We asked him on more than one occasion NOT to play up there, but alas he didn't listen. As he was sitting in timeout we explained to him that he has to "listen" to mom and dad when they tell him to do something.

On Sunday morning Finn spotted Fannie sitting on the table next to the TV. One of her favorite nap spots is the warm area behind the TV. We have never cared that she sleeps back there. Finn, with all the righteous indigence he could muster pointed at Fannie and said "no Fannie - no playing on the TV!" When Fannie didn't listen, i.e. get down, he turned to me and said, "Fannie didn't listen, Fannie needs timeout." In order to drive the previous night's lesson home I got up and made Fannie move (even though I really didn't want to). Luckily she ran off so I didn't have to explain why she didn't go to timeout.

Finn must have a reputation in his Sunday School class for liking snack time (goldfish and water). When I dropped him off on Sunday morning his teacher said, and I quote "Finn, you are going to love class today because we have cupcakes."

The service on Sunday was dedicated to Long Hollow Christmas, a.k.a. the Christmas musical. It was wonderful! Halfway through I decided to go get Finn and let him watch the last half. When I got to his room I heard Christmas music and bells. I peeked in and saw Finn standing in the middle of the room shaking a jingle bell bracelet in time with the music. The other children were shaking as well, but they weren't as focused as Finn. One was laying on the floor, the others were clumped up half-heartedly shaking their bells. Finn on the other hand was standing alert, in the middle of the room, focusing on his teachers. I was so proud of him. He looked so sweet. When we got back into the service Finn was pretty mesmerized by the music. He did a really good job behaving during the last half of the musical which ended up being about 10 minutes of preaching. When Brother David left the stage, he looked at me and very excitedly and very loudly said, "now we go home?"

When we got home from church Finn took a nap, played trains and asked several time for a fire before crawling into bed for the night.


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