Sam's First Birthday Party
We learned that the nursery will not take Sam until he is six (6) weeks old so Sam and I stayed home from church again this week. Sam took the opportunity to catch up on some much needed sleep (yeah right). I love these pictures - he looks so sweet. Before leaving for church Finn decided to tell his brother "goodbye." Thankfully he didn't squash him to death. After church the boys took a nap and then Sam and I went to buy Ella a birthday present. Later that day we went to Ella's First Birthday Party. Finn had birthday cake and then attempted to play upstairs with the other children. As Finn is not particularly social, I guess all we can say is "he tried his best." That night Michael went to play basketball and I gave the boys their first bath together. As I was filling up th bathtub I noticed that Sam was starting to float away. I had to let a little bit of the water out. I washed Sam and then filled the rest of the t...