First Trip to Krogers

This morning (1/17/12) mom came to stay a couple of days with us and help out. Just in the knick of time to - I was exhausted. A couple of hours later Emily and Hank showed up. After a few minutes of nursing my emotions (i.e. I cried all morning for no reason) we loaded all three boys into the car and went for our first trip to Kroger.

Upon entering the store I quickly learned that life as I know it is over. I am no longer going to be able to just jump up and go to the store on Thursday and Fridays when I am home with Finn. The first thing that we did was get a buggy. I put Sam's carseat in the front area and put Finn in the car that is attached to the front. It didn't take Finn too long to decide that he didn't want to ride in the car so he got out and walked right next to the buggy - or at least he was supposed to. He wanted to run off.

Finn had a great time at the grocery store thanks to his new favorite person - Aunt Emily. Those of you that do not know, I am raising a little "Ricky Bobby" meaning all he wants to do is go fast. Emily would let Finn run as fast as he could and then chase after him. He loved this! I was very grateful to Emily for running around like a wild Indian in Kroger to make Finn happy, especially since his mama isn't able to.

When we got back home we attempted to give Finn a nap. As I expected, he wasn't interested in napping. I took the opportunity to hang with Finn and rest all at the same time. We took a nice two and half hour nap.

When I got up mom had prepared dinner, pot roast. Deniece, Chelsea and Sharon came by and ate with us and visited. After they left mom gave me a wonderful foot massage and we settled in for the night.

Sam was very tiring last night. He was up at least three times to eat. I don't even think that he was all that hungry. Instead, I think he just wanted to be held. This baby likes to be held more than any baby I have ever met and I love him for it.


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