
Today Michael and Finn when to church while Sam and I stayed home. Sam has acted a little out of character today, meaning he has fussed. After I fed him this morning he would not let me put him down. Every time I tried he would get really upset. So I happily held him all morning. He seemed hungrier that normal too which may explain the fussing.

When Finn and Michael got home Finn was very excited about showing me his coloring page from Sunday School. Today they studied about Moses. I asked Finn what Moses did and he moved his arms around in a swirling position and said "parted the sea" and "walked across." I love that he learning so much in Sunday School.

Michael then went to get lunch at Zaxby's (gift cards are great!). During lunch we watched "Hell on Wheels" while Sam napped. Finn took a long nap too. It was nice to have both boys napping at the same time.

A little while after Finn woke up Gran and Chelsea came to visit. Finn was excited to see Gran and he loves seeing Chelsea because she is a good "player." While they were here we turned on Cars. There is a scene where these "gangster" type cars pick on one of the Mack trucks. The Cars play this "gangster" type music too. Michael has taught Finn to move his hand up and down with the beat whenever he hears the music. He looks so funny.

After Gran and Chelsea left we put Finn to bed and then Michael and I watched another episode of the Bachelor. Later on in the evening we had tornado warnings. Thankfully there were no actual tornadoes but I still sat up for several hours watching the news. At around 2:00 I ran upstairs and woke up Michael and asked him to bring Finn downstairs. Lisa Spencer told us to get in our "safe spot" so I took her seriously. A few minutes later a very sleepy Michael carried Finn downstairs. We all sat in the den until it looked as though we might need to run to the "safe room."

Finn was not happy. He asked us take him back to bed. Luckily, he didn't get too woken up and went back to sleep no problem. Sam and I were able to go back to sleep pretty quickly too.


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