Brotherly Love

Today we had three (3) emotional people in the Begley home - me (weepy), Finn (fussy) and Sam (cranky). For the past few days mom has been staying at the house. I don't like to admit that I need help, but I really needed mom's help these last few days. She played with Finn, sat with Sam, cleaned and helped me with the shopping. We had a lot of fun and I was sad to see her go. She left while Finn was napping - when Finn woke up he immediately asked "where's Nana." When I told him she had left he started to cry. I felt so bad for him.

I spent much of the day napping with Sam. After mom left I fed Sam and then ended up sleeping on and off until 5:00. Around 7:00 John and Victoria came by and brought Shane's for dinner. Finn was pitched a few fits but ended up watching cars laying in the den floor. Sam was a little crankier than normal today as well. I held him in the boppy through most of dinner.

Right before we put Finn to bed I asked him if he wanted to hold Sam. This was the outcome


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