Double Tasking
Tuesday morning we three Begley's spent the day playing at Nana and Papa's house. After we were all awake Nana made a special trip to Hardees to get me and Finn cinnamon raisin biscuits and chocolate milk. Finn and I laid a towel down in the TV room and had a breakfast picnic.

After breakfast we spent the next several hours alternating playing in the playroom and in the TV room. Michael got home around 12:30 and found the three of us napping in the playroom. I asked Finn if he wanted to take a nap with mama and he got so excited that he didn't even finish his lunch. While I was eating my sandwich Finn kept saying, "I'm ready to go to sleep now."
After my nap I went to get my haircut and when I was finished we headed by back home.
When we got home Michael worked out while I tried my hand at giving both boys a bath. First, I put Finn in the bathtub and lathered him up. Then while he was playing I bathed Sam in a plastic storage bin in the bathroom. It worked out pretty well. The bathroom was already warm from running Finn's bath water and Finn had a good long time to play before he had to get out of the bath. This bath was also the first time that Sam was able to be submerged. He loved the warm bath. In fact, I thought he was going to go sleep laying there in the warm water.

After the bath Finn watched a "Cars" while eating popcorn. Sam spent some time hanging in his nap nanny.
After my nap I went to get my haircut and when I was finished we headed by back home.
When we got home Michael worked out while I tried my hand at giving both boys a bath. First, I put Finn in the bathtub and lathered him up. Then while he was playing I bathed Sam in a plastic storage bin in the bathroom. It worked out pretty well. The bathroom was already warm from running Finn's bath water and Finn had a good long time to play before he had to get out of the bath. This bath was also the first time that Sam was able to be submerged. He loved the warm bath. In fact, I thought he was going to go sleep laying there in the warm water.
(This picture reminds me so much of Finn)
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