Happy New Year

On New Years Eve we dropped Finn off at the Begley's house and met Em and Zac at Olive Garden for a nice, "child free" dinner. It was so nice!!! Afterwards we picked Finn up and went over to Brandon and Carissa's house to ring in the new year. Finn and Addison played trains together while the adults ate. Finn and Addison play really well together. Finn didn't want to go upstairs and play but he did great when they were downstairs. At one point I looked over and Finn and Addison were sitting in the floor together singing the ABC's. It was so sweet.

Around 10:00 I laid down with Finn on the couch and he fell asleep. After he was asleep we played games until around 12:30 when we packed Finn up and went home.

New Years Day was really relaxing. I spent most of it laying around (back pain) and sleeping. Michael watched the Titan's game on the Begley's new T.V. Later in the evening Finn played with his new train table and helped me put Sam's toys in his new toy box.


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