New Born Appointment

Sam had his first doctor's appointment today (Jan. 23, 2012). This meant that I was responsible for getting both boys up, ready and in the car in time to make the appointment. It was my first time to be alone with the boys and my first time to get them both in the car alone. It wasn't all that difficult, it was just time consuming.

When we got to the pediatrician's office we learned that Sam was in the 94th percentile for weight, the 98th percentile for height and that he is perfectly healthy. He had lost about 7 oz. which could explain why he is eating a little more in clusters. Sometimes he can go around 4 hours and then sometimes (usually at night prior to going to bed) he only goes a couple of hours between feedings. Maybe after he gains back his birth weight he will settle down a bit and give me a little break.

After the appointment we all went back to the house to get ready for our trip to Manchester. Michael had an overnight hearing in McMinnville on Tuesday and I asked him to drop me off at Nana and Papa's house. I am not quite ready to be alone overnight with the boys yet.

When we got to Nana's we ate some barbeque for dinner and then Finn, Papa and Michael went upstairs to the playroom and pretended to get eaten by a lion. It was hilarious - Papa would roll all over the floor with the lion to his neck and wail. Finn thought that was pretty great.

Sam's first Republican debate.

When it was time for bed Finn hopped in bed with Nana and Sam and I slept in Emily's room. Sam was pretty needy last night didn't sleep all that well until I put him in bed with me. I was just going to soothe him a little bit but I ended up going to sleep with all the lights on.


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