Dog Food
This morning while Finn and I were sitting on the couch relaxin' he asked me for the millionth time when Sam was coming. I responded, "soon." I then asked him if he would help me take care of Sam. He said yes. He told me that he wouldn't hold him because he would be "too big." He did tell me that he would help me feed him. I asked him what he would feed him and he said "dog food." I am beginning to wonder if Finn thinks that Sam is going to be a puppy. I sure hope not - otherwise Finn is in for a disappointing day.

This is a sweet picture of Finn and Fannie. They normally don't play all that well together. Finn is very protective of his toys and will push Fannie away when she gets too close for comfort. Well today Finn must have been in a sharing mood.
This is also Finn's new downstairs play station. I have rearranged most of his toys to the upstairs playroom, but have left a few of his favorites downstairs. The "Misty Island" train set has found a new home on the coffee table next to the window. There is a shelf that runs the length of the table underneath which we also use as a play station. Finn's road ("cars" block), farm set and coloring books are all separated into their own plastic container (with lid) and neatly stored on the shelf under the coffee table. It looks so much neater. I don't know why I didn't do this months ago.
This afternoon while I was napping Finn and Michael took the big dumptruck outside and loaded rocks into the truck. Then they would take the rocks over the ditch and through them in. When Finn's rocks wouldn't quite make the ditch he would say "that's not good." Finn is already starting to show signs of being self critical - just like his dad :) I am just impressed that he already can evaluate his performance.
Here he have Finn eating eggs for dinner. I didn't know how much use we would get out of this little table. Finn loves it. Most of the time we eat at the table, but on the weekends we will sit in the den and eat. This gives Finn the option to sit with us. He sits very politely and doesn't really make a mess.
Tonight, halfway through eating his eggs he looked over at me and very seriously said "this isn't working." I asked him what "wasn't working" and he showed me his fork. He then asked if he could eat his eggs with his hands. I just get so tickled with his little phrases. He seems so grown up already.
Finn really does talk all the time. I was telling Mom today that Finn has a running commentary going all the time. If he is awake - he is talking. His trains will talk to each other, or he will tell exactly what he is doing at all times. If he isn't talking he is singing. Mom pointed out that in this regard Finn is just like me.
This is a sweet picture of Finn and Fannie. They normally don't play all that well together. Finn is very protective of his toys and will push Fannie away when she gets too close for comfort. Well today Finn must have been in a sharing mood.
This is also Finn's new downstairs play station. I have rearranged most of his toys to the upstairs playroom, but have left a few of his favorites downstairs. The "Misty Island" train set has found a new home on the coffee table next to the window. There is a shelf that runs the length of the table underneath which we also use as a play station. Finn's road ("cars" block), farm set and coloring books are all separated into their own plastic container (with lid) and neatly stored on the shelf under the coffee table. It looks so much neater. I don't know why I didn't do this months ago.
Tonight, halfway through eating his eggs he looked over at me and very seriously said "this isn't working." I asked him what "wasn't working" and he showed me his fork. He then asked if he could eat his eggs with his hands. I just get so tickled with his little phrases. He seems so grown up already.
ReplyDeleteWhat's the problem??? You can take care of Finn, a new baby, a new puppy, & your law career, can't you? Sounds like ya'll need a puppy to go with Adam. LOL.
Love, Shannon Bryant