Poor Finn

My heart is breaking just a little for Finn. He is starting to feel the effects of having a baby in the home. Before Sam came home Finn hated having his diaper changed. Today, one two different occasions he came up to me and told me that he needed a diaper change. He would not let anyone change him except me. He ran to grab a diaper and some wipes and then he jumped on the couch to get changed. When I took his diaper off I saw that there was nothing in it. I felt so bad for him. He just wanted my attention - it is really a sad moment for me. I pretended to change it anyway. Later on in the day I caught Finn with Sam's pacifier in his mouth.

Today was a really fun day. Around noon me, Mom and Sam went to pick up a few things at "Babies-R-Us." Before we left we dressed Finn in his new owl hat courtesy of John and Victoria. He looked so cute.

At the "Babies-R-Us" parking lot.

We were probably in the store for over two (2) hours. We looked at everything store and oohed and awhed at everything. Sam spent the entire time in the baby carrier. He didn't make a peep the entire time. I had so much fun walking around and having him snuggle up to me in the carrier.

I had a meeting at 4:15 so we had to cut the shopping trip shorter than I would have liked. While I was working Michael set up the swing. Sam seemed to like the swing - so far, so good.

After dinner I took some time to cuddle with the boys. Finn spends most of his time cuddling with my legs.

While at "Babies-R-Us" I bought Finn a potty to sit on top of the big toilet. I also bought him some Thomas underwear. I gave both to Finn after dinner. He was really excited about his potty. We went upstairs and Finn used his little construction worker stool to crawl up and sit on the potty. He didn't actually "go" put he did pass a little gas while sitting up there.

When he got off the potty I put his "Thomas" underwear on. He was so excited and so thankful. He kept saying "look at all my trains" and "I have trains on my bottom." Then mom gave Finn a bath with his new "cars" soap and "Thomas" bubbles.

Finn was so sweet at bedtime tonight. He sat up on his knees and put one arm around Michael and one around me and hugged us both. He just the sweetest little boy. All day today he has hugged on me and told me loves me. I think that he misses me a little bit.

As for Sam - he hasn't made a peep all day. I can't believe how much this baby sleeps and chills.


  1. It can be hard to juggle spreading your attention to two kids...especially when one is a newborn! Babies ~ even if they're a good baby ~ just need so much time and attention. I remember feeling bad for Taylor ~ A LOT ~ when I brought Rylan home. Rylan was not what I'd call a great baby though...he wasn't content to just lounge in his swing or bouncy seat. He really, really wanted to be held and moved a lot. This probably would've been easier if he were a firstborn, but, being that I already had a three year old needing me too, it was quite difficult at times! I'm here to tell you that, while that awful mother's guilt will pop in from time to time (probably for the rest of our lives!), things will get better in this area as you all adjust to your new family of four. I'm SUPER fortunate that my daughter is so patient because her baby brother, even at almost 18 mths, is still quite the attention hog ;-D . The good thing about Finn is that he loves Sam and won't remember life without his precious baby brother! :0)

  2. These pictures are so cute. I can't wait to meet Sam in person! Love you all, Kara


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