Workin' 9 to 5

Today (Wednesday, January 18, 2011) I went back to the working world. Actually, I had a few cases on the docket for this day (I set them thinking that Sam would be late) and decided that it would be easier to go than to reschedule everything. My collegues think that I am nuts. But honestly, I think it was good for me. I knew that Finn and Sam were in good hands with Mom and Michael and I don't want to get too far out of the work mode otherwise it will be pretty hard to go back. With Finn I took off 4 full months and it was very difficult for me to get back to the grind. So don't be too surprised if you hear of me doing at least a small amount work every other day or so.

Finn playing with his "Cars" road. Finn has watched a lot of "Cars" this week. He loves the Combine.

When I got back to the house I rocked Sam for a while and then played with Finn. Next we worked on hanging the pictures in Finn's room (pictures that I bought in September). We didn't have everything we needed to hang them so Mom and Finn made a stop to Lowes while I took a conference call. Sam helped me with the call. We laid on my bed together and transacted business. Sam was the best assistant - he didn't make a peep the entire hour.

Right before the meeting started our good friends Anna and Roger (minus Roger) brought over food for the night (chicken fetticini, green beans and cookies) which we ate right after Mom and Finn got back from Lowes.

Next Sam had his first bath. We poured some water in a plastic container, set it on the kitchen floor and gave Sam a sponge bath. He hated it - I repeat, hated it. He screamed so hard that I started to feel nauseated. You know that feeling when you feel so bad for your child because they are so miserable - that kind of nausea.

Finn was concerned for Sam too. He sat right next to the bath water and watched - he looked a little worried for his screaming brother.

After the dust settled from the bath Finn played for a while and then went on to bed. Me, Michael, Mom and Sam sat in the den and watched several episodes of "Modern Family." There is really nothing better in this world than sitting on an electric blanket, getting a foot massage and holding one of the sweetest babies in the world. I am truly blessed.

Sam slept pretty good last night too. He was up at 11:00, 2:30 and 5:30 to eat. He even slept pretty soundly in between feedings all by himself in the nap nanny. The last few nights he wouldn't sleep unless I was holding him. I do think that we are making progess.

One thing that we are not making progress in his diaper changing. Sam really hates getting his diaper changed. He cries so hard. I don't know if he hates being cold or if his circumcision site hurts or if he is just spoiled rotten. Regardless, I dread changing his diaper because it seems so miserable for him.


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