Today Finn, Sam and I went to Sparta to visit Granny and Papa. When I got there Emily, Mom, Coop and Hank were already there and playing. Finn, of course, was a little shy at first, but warmed up when he started playing with his cars. This was also Sam's first trip to Granny and Papa's house. He was well behaved the entire time. Also present were Laura, Megan, Melissa, Anna, Sadie, Emmy, Tracey and Rex. We had a really good time visiting, eating and playing with the kids.

Finn though Rex was pretty cool. They went outside and crashed Finn's cars and Rex shared his Monster Truck track with Finn. They also played tag. Rex would take off and Finn would do his best to catch him. Finn had no chance what-so-ever. Rex is so sweet - when we were playing with the cars Rex talked about how the car "Finn McMissile had gun and could do a lot. I reply "he can do everything." Rex responded, "that's not right - only God can do everything." Put me in my place real quick.

Before we left, we took a group photo . . .

Finn's statement - "all done."

Later on in the evening we all went to John and Victoria's to watch Dexter. Finn spent the evening playing with JT. Once our way home Sam pitched a screaming fit. In response Finn looked over at him and yelled "STOP CRYING" over and over. Michael and I couldn't stop laughing. It was so loud in the backseat. Sam's screams were uncomfortably loud and Finn was yelling on top of that. We couldn't make Finn understand that Sam didn't understand his request.


  1. I loved meeting Sam and spending the afternoon with you all. He is so precious, and Finn is such an adorable big brother!(In spite of his help with the crying!!!)Love you all


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