One Week

Today (Saturday, January 21, 2012) Sam is a week old. I remember when Finn turned one week old. I remember crying my eyes out thinking I had already lost him for good. How silly. Sam turned one week without a tear. In fact, I was pretty happy. I held him non-stop from the time he woke up until Grandad and Gigi came to visit.

When they got here Grandad and Finn played in the floor and believe they do not play quietly. Finn would ask Grandad to go fast. Grandad pretended to be "Frank the Combine" and Finn would run screaming in my direction and jump in my lap.

They also brought "Cars 2" which we attempted to watch. Finn was more interested in playing. I told Grandad and Gigi that Sam screams bloody murder when his diaper is changed but when I went to change his diaper he didn't make a peep. My youngest child is making a liar out of me. After a while of holding Sam and playing with Finn, I got a pedicure and had a cup of hot chocolate.

Next, Michael and I got some much needed R and R; the nap was heavenly. When we woke up Gigi had fixed dinner and we all sat down and ate. After dinner Grandad and Gigi took a few more turns holding Sam and then they left for the night. Thank you Grandad and Gigi for bringing us dinner, entertaining the kiddos and giving us the time for a nap!

Around 7:00 Chase and Lindsey stopped by with cookies! Chase held Sam while Lindsey played with Finn. Sam loved Chase! Finn loved Lindsey! He could have played with her all night, which is weird for Finn since he is really shy around anyone other than family. Right around bedtime Finn got really excited. He started turning in circles (which lead to him falling several times), screaming like a banshee and jumping. I have never seem him so comfortable around our friends. Needless to say Lindsey made Finn's prayer list last night.

After Finn went to bed I held Sam while Michael and I watched the Bachelor. It was a great night. Sam did really well last night. He woke up at 2:00 and 6:30 for feedings.


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