Cookie's Week

Potty training is going really well - I think we have had a breakthrough - thank goodness.  We having mostly dry pull-ups and a "dirty" is rare.  I swear that child can poop on command. 

When Finn goes to the potty he wants to read "Cookie's Week."  It is about a cat that gets into mischief every day of the week.  So not only does the book serve as a conduit (of sorts), Finn is also learning his days of the week. 

This is Finn making sure he had actually "gone."  So gross.  We have put an end to this - but not before I got a picture.  My poor children will disown me me when I put some of these pictures in their wedding video :)

After he gets done I will usually tell Finn that I am really proud of him.  If I forget Finn will say, "you are proud of me mom!"


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