Sam's Two Month Appointment

Today we took Sam for his two month check up.  He now weighs 13 pounds, 9 ounce and is 23 inches long. This means that our three to six month clothing officially fits.  At Finn's 2 month appointment - Finn weighed 13 lbs, 3 oz and that he was 23 inches tall.

He has definitely "chunked" up!

Dr. Thompson told us that Sam is big enough that he should not be waking up twice in the night to eat.  She gave us some tips for weaning him down to getting up only once.  She said that it was too early to let him "cry it out" but told us to try everything to get him to go back to sleep except feeding him (great - that is going to be so fun).  She did say that we could give him a bottle of water (a suggestion from Gran) and that might help soothe him back to sleep.  I was all ready to use that approach last night.  I had already planned for Michael to get up and give him the water bottle on the second feeding and you would know that the little stinker only woke up once.  

We also had our first set of shots today.  Sam and Finn dealt with the pain very differently.  With Finn, as long as I fed him he didn't seem to mind the pain; Sam screamed right through the feeding.  He did manage to sleep most of the day though.  However when he did wake up his screams were impressive (to say it nicely).

As for Finn's day he spent most of the day in his new "playroom."  The playroom is a work in progress right now so I will post pictures later. 

After dinner last night Monica, Amanda and Cheryl came to visit Sam.  Monica was in my Sunday School class when I taught middle school girls; Amanda is her sister and Cheryl is their mother.  We had a great visit.  Sam really liked Cheryl - every time she looked at him he would smile. Sam was in a good mood and Finn was in a great mood. He was all over the place with excitement.

Just a few pictures from Gran's visit.


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