The Rest of the Weekend

Finn had learned that if he runs into our room at 6:00 in the morning saying that he needs to "poo poo in the potty" one of us will come running. Most days he doesn't produce - instead he uses this to get us up out of bed.  This morning he manage to drop one tiny pellet and then asked for his "prize."  While we consider this cheating we gave him a finger paint set in an attempt to remain consistent.  (This was a gift that friend of mine gave to Finn  - we saved for a time such as this).

Finn loves to do artwork and he had a really good time finger painting.

On Sunday we were running a bit late for Sunday School  - so I put Sam in the car wearing just a diaper.  I through his church outfit in the bag and we left for church.  I tried to cover him up as much as possible so that people wouldn't freak out when they saw a non-a half naked baby riding in a Baby Bjorn.  I was able to get him dressed in class.  

After church Finn was in a lousy mood. I asked him (like I do every week) what he learned in Sunday School he poutingly said "nothin."  We also learned that he didn't have fun, he didn't do artwork (which he did) and he didn't talk to his friends.

When we got home Sam and I took a four hour nap while Michael and Finn went to the playground.  Later on in the evening Finn asked if he could watch "Monsters Inc."  I think the movie scared him a bit because he came running into the kitchen asking me to pick him up while saying "I'm scared."  We sat on the couch and he hugged my neck the entire time.  

Earlier in the day Finn and I were in the downstairs bathroom.  Finn had his flashlight.  I turned the light off and let Finn play.  I got really excited and said, "its dark mom - just like the Ice Age).  There was a dark cave in the movie Ice Age.  Then I took his flashlight and put it under my chin and did a scary laugh.  I admit, that was pretty mean - it scared Finn half to death.


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