Little Kiss, Little Hug, Little Secret

Finn's bedtime routine can sometimes be pretty taxing.  First we potty, then we brush our teeth, and wash our hands.  Once our bathroom duties are over we start on the bedroom routine.  First we read a Bible story.  Currently Finn's favorite story is Rebekah and the 10 camels. After the story we turn on Finn's fan, turn on his music, give him is blankets and then pray. After we pray we do "little kiss, little hug, little secret.  This is something that I invented as a young child so it is only natural that I do it with my boys.  If I happen to forget Finn will ask me for a little secret.


  1. I had forgotten about "little kiss, little hug, little secret" until I saw your blog title! I'm so glad that someone invented blogging so that you'll never forget a single thing!!!!!!


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