
Well, its has started . . . Finn is asking why.  "Finn eat your dinner - whyyyy."  Finn, don't throw your cars . . whyyy."  Last night I made potato wedges and served them to Finn with ketchup.  He didn't want to eat them.  I left them on the table for him to eat at his leisure.  He asked to go outside, he asked to watch one of his shows; my response was always the same - "after you eat your potatoes."  He would then crawl into my lap, hug my neck and in his most whiny and drawn out voice say "whyyyy."  This went on for an hour.  I didn't give in though.  Finally, when faced with getting to go outside with Michael Finn ate his potatoes and loved them.  In fact, he asked for them for dinner the next night.

Last night Finn helped Michael put together the "Power Tower."  While I was inside cleaning up I looked outside and saw Michael and Finn sitting on the sidewalk looking at a bunch of screws and bolts. Michael told me that Finn was really enjoying handing the pieces to Michael.

This morning on the way to JT's house Finn started talking about his family.  He told me that Emily (Emmy) lives in Bellview and that Nana and Papa live in Manchester.  Well, he couldn't remember the whole word.  If I said, "man" he would finish with "chester."  Same with Tullahoma. Then he started talking about Uncle James and Uncle David.  He would say "my Uncle James lives at work" and "my Uncle David comes to my house for Christmas and plays hide-n-seek."  What was so funny was the emphasis that he put on the word "my."  He said in a very possessive way.

 Sam has discovered his hands.


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