The Playground

Today after church we took the boys to the playground. Michael does his pull-ups at the Beech Elementary School playground and then goes over the track to run his three miles. 

Today I went with him and let Finn play.  While Michael was running Finn and I played on the swings; he sat in my lap and we swung really high.  While we were swinging Finn sang a song from "Cars" and "Ice Age."  Then he told me that his favorite movie was Cars, that his favorite song was Lion King and that his favorite color was blue, green and yellow.  I then asked him who his best friend was and he said "you mom."  I asked who is other best friend was and he said, "Dad."  Then he said, "he's nice boy."

After swinging Finn decided to go down the big slide.  He wanted to climb up the stairs to the slide by himself.  I was really nervous and tried to help him.  He was having none of that.  I did stand behind him and hold my arms out just in case.  After four or five time of going down the slide without incident I decided to film Finn's big achievement.  You would know that the time I film Finn was the time that he fell.  He was up about six stairs when his foot slipped.  Luckily I caught him.  It scared him pretty badly but otherwise he was unscathed.

This is a picture of Finn getting shocked.  After going down the plastic slide he got all charged up.  Upon getting to bottom and touching the metal on the sides he shocked the daylights out of himself.  We tried to teach him out to ground himself before he touched anything metal - no success.  

Such a fun day. 

Before bed Finn showed Dad his "Ice Age" dance.  It is a little dance where he and I hold hands and swing our arms all over to the beat of the music.


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